How To Install Seeker In Termux

How To Install Seeker In Termux

Installing seeker in Termux is quite simple, but you first need to be familiar with the Termux commands.

Install seeker in Termux by following the methods listed below.

Install Termux from the play store
Type command apt update && apt upgrade
Then type command pkg install git
Then type pkg install python
Now type git clone
Now Type cd /seeker/
Then type ./

That’s all seeker will be installed in Termux

Now you can run seeker by typing ” python

Ngrok is required for this tool to function. If you do not already have Ngrok installed, follow these instructions to do so in Termux.

Now you have to Open New Terminal and type

 ./ngrok http 8080

Turn on your hotspot to get the link shown in the screenshot. Copy the link and send it to anyone whose location you want to track.

**Note: In some cases, your victim must give the bogus site permission to access their location.

You will frequently learn someone’s precise location in addition to their IP address.


I hope you learned how to set up and use Seeker in Termux; if you run across any issues, feel free to comment below.


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