How To Install And Use Fsociety In Termux

How To Install And Use Fsociety In Termux

 What Is the Fsociety?

Fsociety is a framework for penetration testing that includes all crucial tools needed by expert ethical hackers.

Have you ever heard of the well-known web series Mr. Robot? Each and every tool used in the Mr. Robot series is likewise available in Fsociety.

Fsociety is available for?

Fsociety Framework is available for the following platforms:


Kali Linux



How to install Fsociety in Termux?

The steps for installing Fsociety in Termux are listed below.

1. Type the next command after starting Termux. Your Termux will be updated and upgraded using the command below.

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

2. In order to instal Fsociety from Github, we now need to instal the git command. Type the following command to do this.

pkg install git

3. The next step is to enter the following command in our Termux to clone the Fsociety Framework.

git clone

4. After successful cloning type the following command to enter in fsociety directory.

cd fsociety

5. Give the file in the fsociety directory read, write, and execute permission after entering the directory. To accomplish it, enter the following command.

chmod +x

6. Python must now be installed in Termux. Python will aid in the execution of Type each of the following instructions one at a time to instal Python.

pkg install python

pkg install python2

pip2 install requests

7. After completing the aforementioned tasks, the fsociety framework should now be run. Type the command below to launch the fsociety framework.


Hence fsociety framework has been successfully installed in your Termux.

How to use Fsociety?

1. First, launch Termux and type cd fsociety to access the fsociety directory. Enter the following command after entering the fsociety directory:


After typing the above command the following menu will appear as shown in below image:

2. As you can see, the categories in the graphic above have been used to group the tools.

For instance, I’d like to employ the techniques listed under Password Attacks. I’ll then enter 2, as it contains the Password Attacks tool category.

You will see the list of available tools under the Password Attacks tool category after typing 2. as depicted in the picture below.


3. The two tools are listed in the Password Attacks category, as you can see.

For instance, if I wanted to use the Cupp tool, it would be on number 1. I’ll then just write 1 to finish. to employ the Cupp

After pressing 1, Your Termux will automatically instal Cupp. Please don’t interrupt the installation because it will take some time to complete.

The tool will immediately launch after installation. as depicted in the picture below.

Using the Fsociety Framework, you may use the same way to instal and use other tools.


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