How To Install BITB-Framework Browser In The Browser Attack

 How To Install BITB-Framework Browser In The Browser Attack

Hello guys, today we are going to install BITB-Framework {It is also known as Browser in Browser Attack}. This is a new hacking tool for hacking social media. The tool is very unique and amazing, and it comes with a new concept of social engineering to fool the victim’s mind. He can be easily persuaded to enter a username and password. This is the main advantage of this tool that it generates the same login page and URL as the original page. So we will install it in the system and we will use it, we will also know how it works.

We can hack many social media platforms and others using this tool. We will create a phishing page like the real one and the URL, then we will send it to the target to connect with the link. Then we will get the target information in the terminal.

No one can guess if it’s fake or real.

Bitb framework

We will install BITB-Framework in Kali Linux. So follow the commands and install it. and this tool can create phishing and works perfectly in Windows target and Mac Os target. It probably won’t work in target android. But don’t worry, I’m making a tool with the same concept for social hacking and my tool will work for any target. Mac, Windows and Android operating systems. It is important for you to use this tool and convince the victim. You need to have knowledge of phishing, social engineering, and Kali Linux commands because that is necessary, so I hope you know.


  • > Android 7+ 😂
  • > Commands
  • > Phishing Knowledge
  • > Social Engineering Knowledge

Open termux and copy & Paste

🟢 This Tool is use to Perform Bitb Framework on Termux 🟢

🔴 Installation  :-

$  apt update && apt upgrade -y

$  apt install git -y

$  apt install python3 -y

$  apt install python3-pip -y

$  git clone

$  cd BITB-framwork

$  chmod +x *

$  python3

Browser in the browser framework


Enjoy 🥰.

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