how to install kali linux on windows 10 using virtualbox

how to install kali linux in virtual box – Hi guy’s on the off chance that you’re looking for how to introduce kali linux in virtual box at that point this post is for you. Today here I’m reaching to share a best strategy almost ow to introduce kali linux in virtual box for you folks. So that by thisarticle you’ll be able introduce linux easyli , And I’m damn beyond any doubt merely will never get all these diversions information like us on the web anyplace else.

how to install kali linux on windows 10 using virtualbox ? 

I recognize, a few humans are the use of twin boot however men the use of twin boot isn’t always top all time so use this approach to apply multiple os in a computer or in a laptop

First, permit me provide an explanation for what’s a digital container?

Guys all of us recognize approximately cloud storage …like google drive, media hearthplace and many others like this the digital container works in digital container we are able to deployation any os (working machine) like mac, home windows, ubuntu, anonymous, parrot and many others… you may use them in a single computer with out twin boot or and many others blablabla…so these days on this video we can going to put in Unix (Kali Linux) in digital container however wait you want an software named digital container and also you want those machine necessities
– windows10, win8, win 7
– 2 Gb minimal eight Gb advocated
– 30 Gb
– strong pace net connection that’ll after that simply deployation via way of means of following this approach
1. The first soar to a internet site of oracle digital container then choose home windows hosts when you have home windows computer or laptop after that deployation digital container software program on your computer after that down load iso document that you need to apply in a digital container …for example, I need to run kali in vbox (digital container) so i can down load kali64 bit from its professional internet site so if u are inclined to apply kali then down load it from its professional internet site of the dimensions of iso document is larger round like Gb so that you ought to down load it after downloading you may get the .zip document so do not extract is simply reduce and paste it withinside the domestic display of your computer after finishing that simply observe under steps…
2. Open the virtual box application, wait for it to open and make sure you are connected to the internet. Then, when a new window appears, click New on the Virtual Box page. Name and operating system that must be entered in this window
Name:- anything that you like
Type:- select Linux if you are going to install kali in it
Version:- if your pc is 32bit the select Debian (32-bit) or if your pc is 64bit then select Debian (64-bit) after doing all just tap on Next
3. After that, a new window will appear with the memory size named in this window. After tapping Next, you must select at least 1024 (1GB RAM) or higher.
4. After that, you will see a new window named “Hard Disk”. Select Create a virtual hard disk now and tap Next.
5. Then a new window appears Hard Disk File Type, select VDI (VirtualDisk Image) then click Next
6. Then new window appears Storage on physical hard drive where you just need to select Dynamically assign after clicking Next
7. Then a new window appears. The file location and size is named where just click on the folder icon and select the drive where you want to save the virtual file after selecting the storage space at least 20 GB then just press Create
8. Then you can see the Debian logo appear on the left side of the vbox, just right click on this Debian logo and choose install after clicking it, wait a second after a new window pops up open Settings named in there, select Storage then you just need to tap Empty on the right you can see the front optical drive, there’s a CD icon, you just need to tap that then just choose Choose Optical Disc File virtual, just click on it. can see the currently open Windows Explorer. in which just select the linux iso file you download from the web. After selecting it, just click open then you can see the virtual box’s homepage.
9. Then just select the Debian image and just click on the green start arrow at the top of the window, then you can see the Kali Linux window in the vbox (virtual box) in it just select Graphics settings and press enter button on keyboard after this loading will start after loading a new window will appear choose the language named in this page just select english or any other language any language you can understand then just click continue then a new window appears
Select your named location where you need to select your country and click continue after a new window appears to configure the named keyboard where you need to select US English then click enter continue after loading starts, it takes a while to complete wait it out after a new window pops up to configure named network in which you can see hostname just enter Kali in this blank and click continue.
10. Then a new page appears, you don’t need to do anything on this page, just click continue.
11. Then a new page appears Configure Named User and Password where you need to set the password as root and re-enter the same root password then just click continue.
12. Then a new page appears Named Partition Disks where just select the entire manual disk after clicking Continue.
13. Then a new window appears, you don’t need to do anything in it, just click Continue.
14. Then a new window appears in Partin disks named in it just click All files in a partition after clicking Continue.
15. Then a new window pops up called Partition Disks where just select End Partition and write the changes to disk then just click Continue.
16. Then a new window will appear, just click Yes and click Continue after the download starts, it will take you more time like 20-30 minutes to wait. 17. After the installation is complete, a new window appears to configure the package manager named in this, just select Yes and click Continue.
17. Then a new window appears, you just need to click Continue.
18. Then a new window appears to configure the package manager named in this upload, so wait for it to complete.
29. After a new window pops up to install grub bootloader on named hard drive, the installation will take some time like 8 minutes waiting for it to complete after another window pops up in it just select Yes and click continue after another window opens in this window just select /dev/sda (ata-vbox_HARDDISK_VBb2f23291-a5338dec) then click continue.
20. Then another window appears in which the GRUB bootloader installation will be started, so wait for the installation to complete, which takes 5 minutes.
21. After this window Kali Linux will automatically appear in this username as root and password as root or kali then you can see kali linux operating system on your laptop now you can use any tool.
22. And finally, if you want to exit vbox, click the x button in the corner and. Click shutdown or save machine state.
23. And if you want to remove linux in vbox, just go to vbox home page and right click on any Debain icon and click remove, now linux will be removed in few seconds.
24. And if you want to open linux in vbox after some time, just open vbox and select debian image and just click on green start arrow at the top of window, now linux start running automatically …

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